The Bite team
App release notes

Bite | Release Notes: iOS App version 402

AUTHOR: The Bite team

To ensure that our kiosk app is always up-to-date with the latest features and improvements, we recently released the iOS app version 402. This kiosk app version includes a supplemental background maintenance app, which allows for faster and frictionless app update process.

Below is a summary of how it works:

  1. App updates can be initiated directly from the Bite Admin Portal.

  2. When the update signal is received, the kiosk app will automatically launch the new maintenance app, designed to streamline the update process.

  3. The maintenance app will then request an update for the kiosk app using our Mobile Device Management (MDM) API.

  4. The maintenance app will diligently monitor the version changes for the kiosk app. This means you can sit back and relax while our system takes care of all the technical details in the background.

  5. Once the update process is completed, the maintenance app will seamlessly redirect back to the kiosk app and automatically set the device to Autonomous Single App Mode (ASAM). ASAM is a feature of iOS that allows an app to enable and disable a Single App Mode session from within the app itself. Whether the update finishes successfully or encounters any issues, we will ensure that the kiosk app is restored without requiring an additional manual steps on site.

  6. As an added benefit, the maintenance app will securely upload logs to our system. This allows us to maintain transparency and ensures that any potential issues are quickly resolved.

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