The Bite team
Improvements New feature

Bite Admin Portal enhancements

AUTHOR: The Bite team

This week at Bite, our team has been striving to improve the user experience within the Bite Admin Portal, and we are very excited to announce the following enhancements and features that will make your experience way better!

Compound item tag

Bite will now automatically tag all the compound items in Bite Admin Portal with a pink compound item tag. We added this feature after hearing from our customers that some individual menu items and compound items share the same name and that causes confusion when adding items to their applicable menu sections. This new enhancement will solve that problem!

Pre-filled email address for reports

When generating any reports in the Bite Admin Portal, the email address will be pre-field with the email address associated with the user logged-in. We hope this will save you some of your precious time.

Multiple email addresses for reports

Now the Bite Admin User can enter in multiple email addresses for receiving Bite-generated reports.

Easier way to navigate different multiple sites

You can now navigate to the same tab of a different Bite Admin Portal site with just one click! For example, if you would like to get to the Kiosk Settings tab of a different site, you can simply click on the pill button of the desired site. Clicking on the highlighted orange pill button in the screenshot below will take you to the Kiosk Settings tab in Location B. Clicking anywhere outside of the highlighted pill button in orange will take you to the site page with a list of channels belong under that site.

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